Enabling tracking by phone number or email address

Tracktor supports looking up orders by phone number as well as email address if your Shopify store is configured to allow checkout with email or phone number.

To make this experience clear to your users, you will need to make a couple of changes to the Translation Strings under the Tracking Page section. Follow the steps below to get started.

In order for users to look up their order by phone number, they must have checked out using their phone number, not their email address.  If they check out with their email address, they must use their email address to look up their order.

1. Configure your Shopify Store to allow checkouts via Phone or Email

Go to your Shopify admin dashboard, click on  Settings, then on Checkout. In the Customer contact section under To check out, check the first option, "Customers can check out using either their phone number or email".

2. Set your Tracktor Translation strings

From the Tracktor dashboard, click on the Settings tab, then scroll down to the Translation Strings section.

Edit the email and incorrect_email strings to mention phone number as well. Click the blue Save Changes button in the top right.