Control where Bouncer is shown

By default, Bouncer displays the age verification pop-up on every page until the visitor has verified their age. Here are some steps you can take to control how and where the Bouncer pop-up displays. 

Disable pop-up from displaying on your store

If you simply want to disable Bouncer from displaying at all on your Shopify store, there is a button you can toggle off at the bottom of the Bouncer dashboard.

Make pop-up display on Cart page only

1. Starting from your Shopify admin dashboard, click on Online Store, then click on Themes.

2. Find the theme you want to edit, click the Actions button, then click Edit code.

3. Add the following snippet to your theme.liquid file. Adding it right above the line that says </head> works well.

<meta property="bouncer:prevent_popup" content="true" />

4. Navigate to your theme's cart.liquid file.

5. Paste the follow snippet at the top of this file and then save your changes.

<meta property="bouncer:prevent_popup" content="false" />

Make pop-up display on specific product/collection pages

1. Add the following snippet to your theme.liquid file. Adding it right above the line that says </head> works well.

<meta property="bouncer:prevent_popup" content="true" />

2. Click on the Add a new template link on the left. 

3. From the Create a new template drop-down menu, select product or collection. Select liquid for the Template type. Input bouncer in the File name field. Then, click on Create template button.

4. Within this new template, paste the following snippet at the top of the file and then save your changes.

<meta property="bouncer:prevent_popup" content="false" />

5. Navigate the Products page on your Shopify admin panel. From here, either select the All products or Collections sub-menu. 

6. Select the product or collection you'd like to make the pop-up display on. 

7. Locate the Theme Template section on the page, and select bouncer.

Once you have saved changes made on the page, the Bouncer pop-up will then only show up on that page. Nice work 🎉