Dashboard terminology definitions

Option Set: A grouping of option fields that display on a product page(s).

Assign Options to Products: Logic that specifies what product page(s) option sets appear on.

Label on Product: The text that appears above on the product page above the input type. Acts as a title for your option. 

Label on Cart: The name of the field that appears on orders to define the custom option.

Input Type: The type of form field you wish to use. Infinite Options currently supports text, number, large text, radio button, checkbox, and drop down menu inputs.

Advanced Options: More advanced features for your options. 

Class Name: An HTML class that will be appended to the parent element of an option. This is not a field that needs to be filled in otherwise.

Required Field: A control that makes the form field required before the product can be added to the cart. 

Default Value: A value that's already selected when navigating to a product page. 

Placeholder Text: Text that appears inside form fields before a value is entered.

Character Limit: A set number of characters that can be used within a textbox. 

Conditional Logic: A feature that allows you to have an option appear or hide based on the previous selection. 

Conditional Rule: A statement that expresses whether an option field will display or be hidden depending on whether the set condition(s) are met.

Swatch(es): An option that can attach an image or color.