Conditional Logic with Swatches

Infinite Options supports applying conditional logic to swatches and vice versa.

Scenario One

One example would be displaying a textbox option based on a specific swatch value option selection.


Check out the following steps on how to get this set up. For a refresher on how create conditional logic, we recommend checking out this guide: Click here! For a refresher on how to create swatches, we recommend checking out this guide: Click here!

1. To start off, you will want to create your first option that will display the swatches. In this case, we created different types of swatch values displaying different fonts. 

2. Then, you will want to create the second option that will display depending on the swatch option value selection. In this case, we created a textbox option asking which custom font the customer would rather have. 

3. Lastly, you will want to click on Show Advanced Options under the second option. Then, click on the correct Label on Cart and make sure that it contains your affirmative value above. Pick the Label on Cart of the option that you would like your second option to depend on. 

4. Save your changes. You are all set!

Scenario Two

One example would be displaying colors based on the previous option value selection.


Check out the following steps on how to get this set up. For a refresher on how create conditional logic, we recommend checking out this guide: Click here! For a refresher on how to create swatches, we recommend checking out this guide: Click here!

1. To start off, you will want to create your primary option. In this case, we created a checkbox option asking whether the customer would like their shirt in a different color or not. 

2. Then, you will want to create the second option as a Swatches Input Type. Go through the process and upload images or pick colors per each swatch value.

3. Lastly, you will want to click on Show Advanced Options under the second option. Then, click on the correct Label on Cart and make sure that it contains your affirmative value above. Pick the Label on Cart of the option that you would like your second option to depend on. 

4. Save your changes. You are all set!