Uploadery: Create upload fields for products

Upload fields are set up and managed through the app's dashboard.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to learn how to create upload fields for your products, or check out the tutorial video below:

The following video showcases an older version of the dashboard but every step remains the same.

1. Starting from the Uploadery dashboard, click on Create Option Set to create some upload fields from scratch.  

Uploadery will sync your entire product catalog while on the dashboard, to which it will display Catalog Sync Complete when the process is completed.

2. After clicking on the Create Option Set button, you can click on and edit the Option Set 1 text to name this Option Set, which is helpful for organization.

3. Start off by entering a Label, which will be the text that will appear above the upload field on the storefront product page. It will act as a title for your upload field 

Clicking on the gray arrow or Label will expand the option's configuration menu as well. 

Hovering over the ⓘ icon next to any field on the dashboard will bring up information detailing what the field is used for. 

4. The next step is to set the Field Name for your upload field. This will be the text that appears at the cart summary screen, checkout, and the order details page showing what the customer selected for this upload.

You will want to make sure that your field names are all unique values to prevent any confusion from yourself or your customers. 

5. The first configuration is which file formats you would like to limit your customers from uploading on this upload field. By leaving it blank, all file extensions will be allowed. 

By selecting Image, all image file extensions will be set. This will work in the same manner for selecting Video, Audio, or Document from the list as well.

6. You can create as many custom upload fields within your Option Set by clicking on the Add Another Custom Field button.

7. Click on Show Advanced Options hyperlink to see more advanced controls.

8. The Class Name is used for custom coding that you wish to add for your upload field. You may leave this blank if you don't plan on using any code to adjust the upload field.

9. The Maximum File Size section will let you set a limit to the file size that a customer can upload within the upload field. By default, the maximum limit you can set is 100MB per upload field.

If you would like a larger limit, you can click on the Get more link. This screen is also accessible from the Account page. 

10. The Required Field: Select Yes to make the upload field necessary before the customer can add the product to their cart. Select No to make it not necessary.

11. The In-Browser Image Editor toggle will allow customers to crop and rotate any images that they upload. You'll also be able to specify what file format the newly edited image will be output in.

12. The Image Requirements toggle will allow you to specify any Aspect Ratios or Max / Min Height and Width settings needed for a particular upload field. 

13. After completing the option's configurations, you can head back to the light-blue section near the top of the Option Set.

14. Specify the products you'd like the upload fields to display on by defining an assignment rule. Check out this other article to learn more about assigning your upload fields to your products.

15. Save your changes.

Upload fields may take a few minutes to display on your storefront once you've saved your changes. If your upload fields are still not displaying on products after a few minutes, you may need to follow the installation process explained in this article.